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Frosted Glass Signs

Frosted glass film experts

At Capital Signs, we know that not all offices and shop window signage should be the same. Sometimes you may want to block out parts of the window and other times you might want to emphasise certain areas.

What’s the best way to do this? With frosted window film in Canberra. A unique frosted design works beautifully when installed correctly, creating an eye-catching decoration or hiding an area of your window you wish to obscure.

If you’re looking for something more than just plain window frosting, you can also add some detail in to your window design with some signage to help advertise your services, store or business. But frosted window film doesn’t simply hide sections of your store or office window, it helps to decorate it in a professional way. Think of it as an investment – by enhancing your front window you can draw in more customers through your door. How? Your shop or office window will look more inviting, professional and eye-catching.

Think of it this way – would you trust a business that has a dirty front window that looks like minimal effort was put into its design? If the store hasn’t tried to make it’s company look polished, what does that tell you? That the business isn’t trustworthy or reliable.

You don’t want to be that kind of business. You want to be a company that shows off its true colours – a business at its best. Frosted windows in Canberra don’t just look great - they’re perfect for creating that extra touch of privacy too. If you don’t want people passing by peering in to your office space, frosted glass is a way of preventing this from happening without having to draw the shutters. It’s a way of making your window still look inviting but giving you and your employees a sense of privacy at the same time.

With our high quality frosted window finish, your store or office front will resemble sandblasted or acid-etched glass for a fraction of the price. These types of window frostings are often used in commercial buildings and help to complete a professional look and style.

At Capital Signs, we’re experts in installing top quality frosted glass film. We can block out your windows for security and privacy, while enhancing the look and feel of your business. Our first class frosted graphics in Canberra can be placed on front windows to smarten up your business and have more customers coming through your door in no time.

Need a new look? Choose a frosted glass store front.

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